‘The area of research showing the strongest evidence for TAs having a positive impact on pupil attainment focuses on their role in delivering structured interventions in one-to-one or small group settings’ (Making Best Use of Teaching Assistants EEF 2018)
BUILDING READING STAMINA (BRS) is an intervention that draws from the principles and procedures found in Reading Recovery. It is a one to one support delivered by teaching assistants focused on the development of independent reading strategies and understanding of text. This reading intervention targets pupils in KS1/2/3 and aims to bring them to age expected levels of reading in 10 weeks. The two day training focuses on how children learn to read and how best to support that process and equips participants to effectively implement the BRS intervention
INFERENCE TRAINING is a reading comprehension intervention for pupils in KS2 and KS3 who have age appropriate decoding skills but who are experiencing difficulty acquiring full meaning and enjoyment from their reading. Inference Training demonstrates to students a wide range of strategies through ‘instructional conversations’ to help boost reading comprehension. The strategies are easily transferred to other teaching contexts such as guided and whole class reading. The intervention is delivered to small groups by teaching assistants or teachers.
PARTNERS IN LITERACY is an early intervention that attends to both reading and writing tailored to the child’s needs delivered one-to-one by HLTAs or equivalent with experience in in BRS/BRP. The intervention involves working with continuous text in reading and writing and focuses on what the child knows and can do. It aims to develop active readers and writers who independently problem-solve. The teaching assistant receives on-going professional development following initial 2/3 day training in assessment procedures. This intervention works best alongside Reading Recovery.
Please contact Jennifer about TA training programmes in these interventions